School Venue
The Summer School on Plasma Medicine will be organized in conference and accomodation complex Druba in Mlyská dolina, Bratislava.
The complex belongs to Comenius University and offers hotel accommodation, conference rooms, daily breakfast and dining services
as well as various sports areas. The complex is situated at the bank of Danube river. The historical city centre of Bratislava
can be reached in about 15 minutes by walking and you can enjoy a pleasant atmosphere walking along the riverbank of the Danube.
For information about how to get to the summer school venue, please check Travel webpage.
Area of Mlynská dolina with Hotel Druba
ISPM Summer School venue (on the left) and Hotel Druba (on the right)
Summer school lobby
Summer school lecture room
Lunch room
Night bar
Useful Waypoints
- school venue (Congress center Druba) N 48° 08.861 E 17° 04.207
- accommodation (Hotel Druba) N 48° 08.848 E 17° 04.180