Katedra astronómie, fyziky Zeme a meteorológie, FMFI UK, Bratislava, |
Conversion of NOx in Corona Discharge with Inner Electrode Material VariationHensel K., Morvová M. |
Abstrakt: The spatial chemical process and effectiveness of NOx removalat relatively high pressures under the influence of coronadischarge were investigated. Also the influence of innerelectrode (wire) material on the discharge behavior and thesurface products analyses of the outer electrode are reported.Experiments were carried out using corona discharge of bothpolarities and products were analyzed by infrared (IR) absorptionspectrometry. A special attention was paid to calibrationmeasurements of NO and NO2 at various pressures.Experimental set-up consists of wire winded on the glass tubeplaced over the pate electrodes situated in the IR absorption gascell. Different material of inner electrode (wire) was treated inexperiments.The results showed that negative corona discharge is morestable, but its deNOx effect is often very unpredictable (deNO isusually very effective, but deNO2 more or less increases whenalso NO is present). In positive polarity deNO efficiency isabout the same, but in all cases also NO2 decreases. Both deNOand deNO2 processes at lower partial pressures (approximately 50Torr) are more efficient in positive corona. At higher pressure(more than 200 Torr) is the effect of both polarities about thesame. Experiments showed that mostly deNO2 processes arematerially depending. Change in N2O concentration seems to bevery important.
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Prihlásený(á): student Odhlásenie |