Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava |
DC corona discharge in CO2 - air and CO - air mixtures for various electrode materialsMorvová M. |
Abstract: Positive and negative dc corona discharges in CO–air and CO2–airmixtures were applied. Natural humid air was used. The step by step developmentwith time of the formation of gas products after the action of the corona dischargewas measured in situ . The discharge tube was situated in an IR gas cell. The IRabsorption spectra were scanned from the area of the inter-electrode distance insuccessive time steps of the action of the discharge (about 1 min).Measurements were performed for three combinations of electrode materials,namely Mo–stainless steel, Mo–brass and Cu–brass. Reflection IR absorptionspectra from the surfaces of the electrodes used were scanned after the action ofthe discharge. The influence of the electrode material on the development with timeof the reaction products was observed. Polymer–metal complexes with possiblecatalytic activity are formed on the surfaces of electrodes. From measurements itresulted that the discharge processes consist of simultaneously acting volumeprocesses of plasmochemical nature (probably initiated by electrons) andelectrocatalytic surface processes on electrodes (probably initiated by photons).