
Bratislava offers a wide variety of an accommodation. Hotels and hostels are located both in the city center as well in suburban areas. There are not many of them in close vicinity of the conference venue, however, the conference venue is only 2 km away from the city center (Staré Mesto) and can be easily and comfortably reached within 10 minutes by a public transport (tram, bus).

To find a suitable accommodation we recommend the participants to use hotels offering special deals for ICPM-6 participants (see list below) or to try various online booking websites, e.g.,,, etc. Bratislava is visited by many tourists through the year, especially in the summer period. In addition, Slovakia will preside the European Union starting July 2016, which may negatively affect the availability of hotel rooms. Therefore we encourage the participants to book their accommodation well in advance.

The organizers do not provide accommodation for participants and do not reimburse any travel expenses. The participants are expected to make their own arrangements.


phone: +421 2 60295 618 (Z. Machala)
phone: +421 2 60295 676 (K. Hensel)