
Selected publication  

Janda M., Machala Z.: Transient spark discharge in N2/CO2/H2O mixtures at atmospheric pressure, 28th Int. Conf. Phenomena Ionized Gases, 3P10-54, p. 1022-1025,15-20 July, Prague, Czech Republic (2007).
citations: 1  


We experimentally investigate DC discharges in air atatmospheric pressure. Spectroscopic and electricalmeasurements show that at currents below 100 mA,these discharges are of the glow type and generatenonequilibrium air plasmas with high electrondensities (~10e12 cm-3) and relatively low gastemperatures (~2000 K). With increasing current, thegas temperature increases and a gradual transitiontoward near-LTE conditions occurs. Nevertheless,this glow-to-arc transition is smooth, so stabledischarges may be established between the glow andarc regimes, generating still non-thermal butrelatively hot plasma. These DC discharges representinteresting sources of non-thermal atmospheric airplasmas with adjustable properties.