
New journal paper

Warne G. R.; Lim M.; Lamichhane P.; Machala Z.; Hessel V.; Williams P. M.; Fisk I. D.: Esterification and volatile compound manipulation using radiofrequency cold plasma, Innov. Food Sci. & Emerging Technol. 95, 103726 (2024).
abstract | citations: 0

New project

Environmental Applications of electrical Discharges for Water and aIr Cleaning, and agriculturE (EnvADWICE)
Principal investigator: Machala, Z.; duration: 2024-2026

New events

June 2024: We were awarded a project funded by VAIA agency, within the framework of Recovery and resilience plan: Large projects for excellent researchers. Title of the project is "Environmental Applications of electrical Discharges for Water and aIr Cleaning, and agriculturE (EnvADWICE)".

May 2024: Teambuilding at astronomical observatory in Modra.

April 2024: Post-doc Thomas Vazquez left our group.

March 2024: Post-doc Saeed Kooshki left our group.

February 2024: Short scientific mission of Kasidapa Polprasarn (PhD student from Ecole Polytechnique Paris) in our laboratory.
