Old website of our division.
Current projects:
Electric discharges in capillaries and catalytic monoliths assisted by a surface discharge, their properties and effects on exhaust gas2021-2024, Slovak grant agency VEGA - 1/0822/21Principal investigator: Hensel, K., Associate investigator: Machala, Z.Co-investigator(s): Cimerman R., Janda M., Martišovitš V., Hassan M. E. |
Electrical discharges in a contact with catalysts, and plasma catalysis for flue gas cleaning2021-2025, Slovak Research and Development Agency - APVV-20-0566Principal investigator: Hensel, K., Associate investigator: Machala Z.Co-investigator(s): Cimerman R., Janda M., Martišovitš V., Lavrikova A., Jakubčin D. |
Mass transfer from gas plasma to water microdroplets, from better understanding to optimization of plasma activated water generation.2022-2025, Slovak grant agency VEGA - 1/0596/22Principal investigator: Janda, M. , Associate investigator: Machala, Z. Co-investigator(s): Hensel K., Szárazová K., Hassan M. E., Lavrikova A., Menthéour R. |
Diagnostics of plasma-liquid interface2023-2025, Slovak Research and Development Agency - SK-FR-22-0014Principal investigator: Janda, M., Associate investigator: Machala, Z.Co-investigator(s): Pareek P. |
A step towards new Plasma processing Technology for Medical purposes2022-2024, European Research Executive Agency (REA) - 101066764Principal investigator: Galmiz, O., Associate investigator: Machala, Z. |
Plasma-liquid interactions and the effects/applications of plasma activated water in medicine and agriculture2023-2027, Slovak Research and Development Agency - APVV-22-0247Principal investigator: Machala, Z., Associate investigator: Hensel, K.Co-investigator(s): Cimerman R., Janda M., Galmiz O., Lavrikova A., Okruhlicová Z. |
Environmental Applications of electrical Discharges for Water and aIr Cleaning, and agriculturE (EnvADWICE)2024-2026, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION AUTHORITY - 09I03-03-V3Principal investigator: Machala, Z., Associate investigator: Hensel, K.Co-investigator(s): Cimerman R., Galmiz O., Janda M. |
Former projects:
Optical diagnostics of transient spark discharge and electro-sprayed microdroplets and analysis of properties of the generated plasma activated water (UK/206/2023, 2023-2023, principal investigator: Pareek, P. ).Analysis of the effects of plasma-activated water to immunocompetent cells (UK/179/2022, 2022-2022, principal investigator: Pásztor, S. ).The effect of surface DBD cold plasma for inactivation of single- and mixed-species biofilms (UK/206/2022, 2022-2022, principal investigator: Lavrikova, A. ).Investigation of Plasma Reactive Species into Water Aerosols (UK/141/2022, 2022-2022, principal investigator: Hassan, M. E.).Interaction of cold plasma with water, the effects of plasma activated water to biological systems and their uses in medicine and agriculture (APVV-17-0382, 2018-2022, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Physical and chemical processes at the interface of low-temperature plasma with water, and their use for bio-medical and agricultural applications. (1/0419/18, 2018-2021, principal investigator: Janda M.).Transport of Reactive Nitrogen Species into Water: Bulk vs. Electrospray (UK/118/2021, 2021-2021, principal investigator: Hassan, M. E.).Mechanisms of cold atmospheric plasma interaction with bacteria – effect on cell membrane integrity, DNA damage and accumulation of intracellular ROS (UK/312/2021, 2021-2021, principal investigator: Lavrikova, A. ).Effects on atmospheric pressure cold plasmas on bacteria and seeds (SK-PL-18-0090, 2019-2021, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Study of the barrier discharge in combination with various catalysts and its application for tar removal (UK/222/2020, 2020-2020, principal investigator: Cimerman, R. ).Investigations of the plasma species transport during plasma-liquid interactions into aerosol and bulk liquid (UK/317/2020, 2020-2020, principal investigator: Hassan , M. E.).The application of plasma activated medium and PBS on human healthy and cancer skin cells with focus on the apoptosis induction (UK/337/2020, 2020-2020, principal investigator: Sersenová, D. ).Air pollution control by combination of plasma and catalyst (AXA_19_09, 2019-2019, principal investigator: Cimerman, R. ).The effect of plasma activated media and PBS on human cancer and healthy skin cells (UK/403/2019, 2019-2019, principal investigator: Sersenová, D. ).Investigation of plasma-liquid interactions in electrosprayed aerosols by advanced optical/electrical diagnostics and related properties of the plasma activated water (UK/325/2019, 2019-2019, principal investigator: Hassan , M. E.).New possibilities of the use of cold plasma in food processing and agriculture (UK/238/2019, 2019-2019, principal investigator: Ndiffo Yemeli, G. B.).Vyšetrovanie účinkov studenej plazmy na normálne a rakovinové bunky využitím molekulárnych a genetických metód (UK/379/2018, 2018-2018, principal investigator: D. Sersenová).Vplyv iskrového výboja generovaného v plynných zmesiach kyslíka a dusíka na aktiváciu vody (UK/385/2018, 2018-2018, principal investigator: K. Kučerová).Exhaust gas cleaning by non-equilibrium plasma in combination with catalysts (UK/373/2018, 2018-2018, principal investigator: Cimerman, R.).Stimulácia klíčenia a rastu rastlín vplyvom plazmou aktivovanej vody (UK/418/2017, 2017-2017, principal investigator: K. Kučerová).Optical diagnostic of the interaction of water micro-droplets with electrical discharges used for bio-medical and environmental applications (1/0918/15, 2015-2017, principal investigator: Janda M.).Plazmová katalýza v kapilárnych štruktúrach a jej efekt na čistenie výfukových plynov (UK/319/2017, 2017-2017, principal investigator: R. Cimerman).Investigation of plasma-cell interaction for bio-decontamination and medical applications (APVV-0134-12, 2013-2017, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Účinky plazmou aktivovanej vody na bakteriálne bunky a jej potenciálna aplikácia pri liečbe periodontitídy (UK/477/2016, 2016-2016, principal investigator: B. Tarabová).Vplyv plazmou aktivovanej vody na klíčenie a rast pšenice (UK/244/2016, 2016-2016, principal investigator: K. Kučerová).Detekcia reaktívnych kyslíkových a dusíkových foriem v plazmou aktivovanej vode a ich vplyv na membránu a metabolizmus E. coli (UK/534/2015, 2015-2015, principal investigator: B. Tarabová).Aplikácia nízko-teplotnej plazmy pri atmosférickom tlaku na dekontamináciu povrchov od bakteriálnych biofilmov (UK/250/2015, 2015-2015, principal investigator: Z. Kovaľová).The study of plasma processes in N2-CH4-CO2-H2O mixtures in order to utilize CH4 to partially oxidized hydrocarbons (1/0998/12, 2012-2014, principal investigator: Janda M.).Effects of atmospheric pressure cold discharge plasmas to bacteria and cell cultures (SK-RO-0024-12, 2013-2014, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Chemické zmeny vo vode indukované pôsobením nerovnovážnej plazmy zodpovedné za biocídne efekty (UK/403/2014, 2014-2014, principal investigator: B. Tarabová).Dekontaminácia bakteriálnych biofilmov pomocou studenej plazmy (UK/251/2013, 2013-2013, principal investigator: Z. Kovaľová).Mechanisms of plasma interaction with cells for bio-decontamination and medical applications (1/0668/11, 2011-2013, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Advanced optical diagnostics and applications of DC and pulsed air discharges (SK-FR-0038-09, 2010-2012, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Valorization of domestic sources of aluminosilicates (klinoptilolites) for water control (1/0193/09, 2009-2011, principal investigator: Chmielewska E.).Exhaust Gas Cleaning by Microdischarges in Capillaries and Pores of Catalysts (1/0711/09, 2009-2011, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Biological and chemical decontamination of water in electrical discharges (SK-CZ-0179-09, 2010-2011, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Scaled-up non-equilibrium air plasma (FA8655-09-1-3110, 2009-2010, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Bio-decontamination by atmospheric electrical discharges (1/0293/08, 2008-2010, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Mécanismes d’Interaction Plasma-Ecoulement Réactif (ANR-05-BLAN-0090-01, 2006-2009, principal investigator: Laux C.O.).Scaled-up non-equilibrium air plasma (FA8655-08-1-3061, 2008-2009, principal investigator: Machala Z.).System for direct pyrolysis of selected municipal waste with simultaneous exhaust gas cleaning, possibility to produce of liquid fuel and gaseous hydrogen (0267-06 , 2007-2009, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Plasmochemical conversion of CH4 from exhaust gases into oxygenates. (UK/377/2009, 2009-2009, principal investigator: Janda M.).Alumima-based electroceramics for advanced plasma sources (0485-06, 2007-2009, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Thermochemical degradation of biomass with exhaust gases cleaning by electrical discharges, CO2 solidification, liquid fuel and gaseous hydrogen generation (1/3068/06 , 2006-2008, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Physical properties of electric discharges in porous materials and their application of car exhaust cleaning (SK-FR-00506, 2006-2008, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Plasma-Assisted Catalysis by Microdischarges in Porous Materials, Investigations of their Physical Properties and Uses for Car Exhaust Cleaning (1/3041/06, 2006-2008, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Développement de Diagnostics Optiques Lasers Avancés (F-07-642-R, 2007-2008, principal investigator: Janda M.).Atmospheric electrical discharges for bio-decontamination (NATO0981194/07, 2007-2007, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Microdischarges in Porous Dielectric Materials, Their Properties and Application for Car Exhaust Cleaning (APVT 20-032404 , 2005-2007, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Investigations of the physical properties of dc electric discharges in atmospheric pressure air above water level and the tests of their plasma-chemical and biological effects (1/2013/05, 2005-2007, principal investigator: Machala Z.).DC electric discharges in air for chemical and biological decontamination (EAP.RIG 981194, 2004-2007, principal investigator: Machala Z.).Study of plasma induced chemistry in CO2/N/H2O mixture (GUK/393/2005, 2005-2005, principal investigator: Janda M.).CO2 Abatement and combustion exhaust utilisation connected with NOX&VOC removal in the form of solid product in low temperature plasma (APVT SK-US-027/2001, 2002-2005, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Temperature dependence of dissociative recombination coefficients (1/0256/03, 2003-2005, principal investigator: Lukac P.).Physical properties of microdischarges in porous materials and their application for flue gas treatment (GUK/391/2005, 2005-2005, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Abiotic synthesis of amino acids (45.530/1-VI/B/7a/2002, 2002-2004, principal investigator: Rode B.M.).Scaled-Up Nonequilibrium Air Plasmas (F49620-01-1-0389, 2001-2004, principal investigator: Kruger C.H.).Reforming of the fuel by plasma and catalyst (, 2002-2003, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Decomposition of VOC by micro discharges generated in porous material (, 2003-2003, principal investigator: Hensel K.).Greenhouse gases abatement with CO2 utilization, and nitrogen fixation to amino acids by electrical discharges and electrode catalysis (1/8312/01, 2001-2003, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Effect of parameters variation of anomal corona discharge on its ability to destruct unwanted pollutants from internal and external sources (1/5183/98, 1998-2000, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Ultrasonic and corona discharge devices for respiratory deseases healing and prevention, and for indoor air cleaning (96-513-IV-04, 1996-1998, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Mechanisms of corona discharge influence on exhaust gases and the possibilities of products’ recycling (1/2188/95, 1995-1997, principal investigator: Morvova M.).Study of plasma-chemical and electro-catalytic processes in discharge system for corona discharge in various mixtures interesting from ecological point of view (1/990138/92, 1992-1994, principal investigator: Morvova M.).