Selected publication 
Hensel K.: Microdischarges in ceramic foams and honeycombs, Eur. Phys. J. D 54 (2), 141-148 (2009).
citations: 57
Selectivity and energy efficiency of plasma chemical processes can be significantly improved if plasma is combined with a catalyst. The generation of stable discharge plasma inside the narrow capillaries of an
automobile catalytic honeycomb is, however, quite difficult. This paper presents a novel method which utilizes the combination of packed-bed or barrier discharge connected in series with the honeycomb capillaries. By the application of DC voltage across the capillaries, streamers are extended from the packed-bed discharge into the capillaries. With this method, ionization can be made inside fine channels of honeycomb catalyst made of insulating materials. This discharge is designated as honeycomb
discharge. Electrical and optical characteristics of the honeycomb discharge are measured.