
Research topics

4.2 Renewable energy sources

The energy consumption of people on the Earth grows and the fossil fuel reserves diminish. Moreover, the fossil fuels utilization causes various environmental issues: enhanced greenhouse effect of the atmosphere, acid rains, or photochemical smog. It is therefore necessary to increase the share of the "green" technologies on the power generation.

We already mentioned that pyrolysis of organic waste by combustion gases can be used to produce energy (subsection 4.1). Moreover, the pyrolitic gases also contain hydrogen - the fuel of the future. It can be combusted, or even better, it can be used in fuel cells to produce electricity. However, we still need to optimize its capture from the pyrolysis gases and to solve the problem of its safe storage. Finally, we are also developing novel, more efficient types of wind turbines to generate electrical energy from the wind.

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Morvova M., Martisovits V., Morva I., Kosinar I., Janda M., Kunecova D., Kolesarova N., Biskupicova V. and Morvova M. jr.: Non-thermal plasma based system for exhaust treatment in reduced atmosphere of pyrolysis gases, In: Industrial Plasma Technology, Edited by Kawai Y., Ikegami H., Sato N., Matsuda A., Uchino K., Kuzuya M., Mizuno A., Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. (2010).
abstract | citations: 0
Morvová M., Morva I., Janda M., Hanic F., Lukáč P.: Combustion and carbonisation exhaust utilisation in electric discharge and its relation to prebiotic chemistry, Int. J. of Mass Spectrometry 223 (1-3): 613-625 Jan. 15 (2003).
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