

Dominika Miháliková

Bc. level: 2017 - 2018
Supervisor: Zdenko Machala
Title (en):
Effects of plasma activated medium on cancerous and healthy cells
Title (sk):
Účinky plazmou aktivovaného média na rakovinové a zdravé bunky
Abstract (en):  hide
The main objective of this bachelor thesis was to experimentally test the effects of plasma activated medium (PAM) on non-cancer and cancer cells in vitro. We worked with human epithelial melanoma cells – A375 and human embryonic epithelial kidney cells – HEK293T and we used two types of cold atmospheric plasma discharges – streamer corona (SC) and transient spark (TS) with two different exposure times (0.5 min/ml and 2 min/ml) to activate the medium. We applied the PAM on cells 2 hours after its exposure to the plasma. We investigated the effects of PAM on cells by metabolic MTT assay and we studied microscopic changes of confluence, size and shape of cells using optical microscopy. We measured the specific absorbance of our samples, which we then used to calculate viability of cells. The measurements were done 24 hours and 72 hours after the application of PAM on cells.

MSc. level: 2018 - 2020
Supervisor: Zdenko Machala
Title (en):
Adaptation of the portable source of cold plasma for pulsing regime and testing of its effects on cancerous and healthy epithelial cells
Title (sk):
Prispôsobenie prenosného zdroja studenej plazmy na pulzný režim a testovanie jeho účinkov na rakovinové a zdravé epitelové bunky