Old website of our division.
Bartková, D.
Buchholcerová, H.
Cíbiková, M.
Cimerman, R.
Damek, M.
Dreninová, V.
Dvonč, L.
Gálik, J.
Giertl, D.
Halušková, P.
Hassan, M.
Hennecke, A.
Chládeková, L.
Ivanová, P.
Jakubčin, D.
Janíková, K.
Jankovič, R.
Jedlovský, I.
Kintler, M.
Kováč, M.
Kovaľová, Z.
Kučerová, K.
Kukura, S.
Kunecová, D.
Lavrikova, A.
Leštinská, L.
Leštinský, M.
Maslík, J.
Maťáš, E.
Menthéour , R.
Miháliková, D.
Mišenko, P.
Molnár, M.
Ndiffo Yemeli, G.
Niklová, A.
Okruhlicová, V.
Omasta, S.
Pakosová, L.
Pásztor, S.
Pavle, M.
Pelach, M.
Polakovič, A.
Poljak, M.
Pongrác, B.
Pračko, M.
Račková, D.
Roubíček, J.
Saedi , M.
Selvek, M.
Sersenová, D.
Seyfi, P.
Sič, J.
Strižencová, L.
Sučanská, A.
Štípala, P.
Tarabová, B.
Valovič, P.
Velísková, M.
Záňová, V.
Zigo, J.
Žilková, A.
MSc. level: 2018 - 2020
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Plasma activated water generated by transient spark discharge and its effects on corns and maize plants
Title (sk):
Plazmou aktivovaná voda generovaná výbojom prechodovej iskry a jej vplyv na zrná a rastliny kukurice siatej
Abstract (en): hide
Exposing water to plasma discharge leads to formation of plasma activated water (PAW). Compared to tap water, PAW contains various reactive species that are generated by the discharge in the gas phase and are subsequently dissolved in water, or they are formed directly in the water. Thanks to its properties and activity, PAW finds its application e.g. in medicine and agriculture. Effects of PAW generated by transient spark discharge on maize plants (Zea mays L.) during germination and early development were investigated and are presented in this thesis. Root length, pigment contents in the 2nd leaf, activity of enzymes (peroxidases, catalase) in roots and root cells differentiation were observed during the 3 days cultivation in paper rolls and 10 days hydroponic cultivation. Imbibition of corns in PAW stimulated peroxidases activity and deposition of lignin and suberin into the cell walls of exodermis, endodermis and metaxylems of roots. Exposure of corns to PAW within the first 3 days of the growth increased the activity of catalase and the effect of PAW on the differentiation of the cells was less obvious. Effect of PAW on root length was positive after 3 days, afterwards the differentiation of tissues slowed down the growth and after hydroponic cultivation shorter but more mature roots were observed. Results indicate, that effect of PAW on the tissue differentiation depends on form of plant’s response to the oxidative stress induced by PAW.
Abstract (sk)