Old website of our division.
Bc. level: 2007 - 2008
Supervisor: Zdenko Machala
Title (en):
Title (sk):
Analýza emisných spektier elektrických výbojov pri atmosférickom tlaku pomocou simulačných programov a spektrálnych databáz
Abstract (sk)
MSc. level: 2009 - 2011
Supervisor: Mário Janda
Title (en):
Kinetic model of plasma generated by transient spark.
Title (sk):
Plazmochemické modelovanie prechodovej iskry
Abstract (en): hide
The primary aim of this work was to create a computational model capable to
describe chemical processes induced by a relatively new type of discharge named
transient spark (TS). TS is a DC driven pulsed atmospheric pressure discharge with high repetition frequency (~ kHz) of short (~100 ns) high current pulses (~A). It was already applied for various environmental and biological applications.
The main part of this work was related to the development of computational
package, which can calculate the evolution of concentration of plasma species, taking into account the pulse character of TS. Developed package is based on available open source ZDPlaskin libraries.
Created package is able to characterize both short high current pulse phase of the discharge with fast changes of plasma, and the long relaxation phase (~ ms) with slow changes of plasma parameters. Time evolution of reduced electric field strength (E/N) characterizing TS is loaded from an external file. The concentration of electrons (ne) can be loaded from an external file too, but it can be also calculated by the program itself.
The time evolution of E/N and ne for these external files was estimated from measured electrical parameters of TS.
Next, developed model was used to calculate the evolution of various species in
air plasma generated by TS. The evolution of excited N2 and O species, as well as there interactions is described in this work. Calculated data were finally qualitatively compared with experimentally obtained emission intensities of N2 (C) and O* species. Good agreement was observed if both E/N and ne were loaded from external files. On the other hand, significant differences were observed if ne was calculated by the model itself. It can be most probably explained by inaccurate approximation of E/N profile.
Abstract (sk)
PhD. level: 2011 - 2016
Supervisor: Mário Janda
Title (en):
Modeling of plasma chemical processes in transient spark in N2-O2 mixture
Title (sk):
Modelovanie plazmochemických procesov v prechodovej iskre v N2-O2 zmesi
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)