Old website of our division.
Bc. level: 2010 - 2011
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Electrical discharge in capillary tubes
Title (sk):
Elektrické výboje v kapilárach
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)
MSc. level: 2011 - 2013
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Electrical discharge in capillary tubes 2
Title (sk):
Elektrické výboje v kapilárach 2
Abstract (en): hide
Discharges in spatially confined spaces, such as cavities of porous materials, or various capillary cavities, offer method for generation and maintenance of stable plasma at atmospheric pressure. Such discharges have been successfully used in many environmental, industrial, or medical applications. This paper presents summary of research which has been achieved at the field of generating electrical discharges in spatially confined geometries (order of μm – mm), frequently in a contact with dielectric. The paper contains review of basic discharge configurations, their basic physical properties and applications. But main aim of the paper is a research of electrical discharges in one dielectric capillary with a diameter of 1 – 11,2 mm. Discharges are generated between
needle immersed in capillary and planar electrode using DC or AC voltage. Streamer discharge that develops in the capillary when voltage reaches certain level is examined by electrical and optical diagnostic methods. Basic electrical properties of discharges are presented in the paper: ignition voltage of discharges, range of applicable voltages, discharge current. These properties are researched in dependency of capillary diameter, distance of electrodes and different gases that are used. Propagation of the discharge front
is also examined using photo multiplier tube.
Abstract (sk)