Old website of our division.
Bartková, D.
Buchholcerová, H.
Cíbiková, M.
Cimerman, R.
Damek, M.
Dreninová, V.
Dvonč, L.
Gálik, J.
Giertl, D.
Halušková, P.
Hassan, M.
Hennecke, A.
Chládeková, L.
Ivanová, P.
Jakubčin, D.
Janíková, K.
Jankovič, R.
Jedlovský, I.
Kintler, M.
Kováč, M.
Kovaľová, Z.
Kučerová, K.
Kukura, S.
Kunecová, D.
Lavrikova, A.
Leštinská, L.
Leštinský, M.
Maslík, J.
Maťáš, E.
Menthéour , R.
Miháliková, D.
Mišenko, P.
Molnár, M.
Ndiffo Yemeli, G.
Niklová, A.
Okruhlicová, V.
Omasta, S.
Pakosová, L.
Pásztor, S.
Pavle, M.
Pelach, M.
Polakovič, A.
Poljak, M.
Pongrác, B.
Pračko, M.
Račková, D.
Roubíček, J.
Saedi , M.
Selvek, M.
Sersenová, D.
Seyfi, P.
Sič, J.
Strižencová, L.
Sučanská, A.
Štípala, P.
Tarabová, B.
Valovič, P.
Velísková, M.
Záňová, V.
Zigo, J.
Žilková, A.
Bc. level: 2020 - 2021
Supervisor: Marcela Morvová
Title (en):
The use of pyrolysis and gasification with exhaust cleaning as a waste management method
Title (sk):
Možnosti využitia pyrolýzy a splyňovania pri nakladaní s odpadmi vrátane čistenia exhalátov
Abstract (en): hide
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the disposal of greenhouse gases from pyrolysis and gasification processes, to optimize them for environmentally beneficial waste management processes. The introduction to the theoretical part presents the current issues of waste management and its state around the world and in Slovakia. The topic is followed by an overview of pyrolysis and gasification as innovative methods for waste management. The conclusion of the theoretical part is devoted to the characteristics of currently available options for solving global warming in the form of eliminating emissions from exhaust streams. The main part of the bachelor thesis introduces a combined system that is designed to dispose of CO2 from pyrolysis gases. To reduce greenhouse gases, we use equipment for discharge and electrolysis, which is supplemented by a system that condensates water vapor from flue gases. The planned measurements are also included with the description of the proposed system, which must be performed to optimize the system and at the same time to analyze the electrochemical processes that will take place during it.
Abstract (sk)
MSc. level: 2021 - 2023
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Electric discharges in ceramic monoliths
Title (sk):
Elektrické výboje v keramických monolitoch
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)