Old website of our division.
Bc. level: 2020 - 2021
Supervisor: Marcela Morvová
Title (en):
The use of pyrolysis and gasification with exhaust cleaning as a waste management method
Title (sk):
Možnosti využitia pyrolýzy a splyňovania pri nakladaní s odpadmi vrátane čistenia exhalátov
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)
MSc. level: 2021 - 2023
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Electric discharges in ceramic monoliths
Title (sk):
Elektrické výboje v keramických monolitoch
Abstract (en): hide
The diploma thesis focuses on the generation of electrical discharges in ceramic monoliths with a honeycomb-like structure, called honeycomb monoliths, in atmospheric air using direct current voltage. The main objective of the thesis is to observe the physical and chemical properties of these discharges and to find conditions for their stable generation. For this purpose, the discharge is generated in various settings and configurations, including different electrode distances, airflow rates, voltage polarities, with and without the honeycomb monolith. Oscilloscope measurements, digital photography, and absorption spectrometry are used for the observation and analysis of discharge properties. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the topic of atmospheric pollutant formation, theoretical foundations of electrical discharge generation, and description of basic configurations of electrical discharges in ceramic structures. The practical part includes a description of the apparatus and measurement methodology, followed by the presentation of measurement results and discussion. The results showed that the properties of electrical discharges in honeycomb monoliths strongly depend on the electrode distance and the capillary density of the honeycomb monolith. Decreasing the electrode distance and increasing the capillary density resulted in increased stability and homogeneity of the discharge, as well as its chemical activity. Changing the voltage polarity altered the discharge regime, with a streamer regime dominating in the positive polarity and a pulseless regime in the negative polarity. Airflow rate affected the chemical activity of the discharge, with the highest concentrations of products observedetthe lowest airflow values. Ozone and nitrogen oxide were the products of the chemical activity of the discharge in all configurations and conditions.
Abstract (sk)