

Richard Cimerman

Bc. level: 2010 - 2013
Supervisor: Marcela Morvová
Title (en):
Study of heat storage processes using phase change materials
Title (sk):
Štúdium procesov uskladnenia tepla s využitím materiálov s fázovou premenenou
Abstract (en):  hide
This bachelor thesis is devoted to processes and methods using in thermal energy storage focusing on phase change materials. Particular processes and methods are described and we are also discussing their advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, theoretical part of this thesis treats of keystones of the thermodynamics, heat transfer theory and heat pumps. Consequently, experimental part is focused on the waste heat. It is based on measurement and analysis of respective results of the waste heat production performed at Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics of Comenius University. The conclusion of thesis relates to project of waste heat storage system. In general, an overall aim of this thesis is to show new, suitable and alternative form of using and acquisition of thermal energy in terms of an approach friendly to environment.
Abstract (sk)

MSc. level: 2014 - 2015
Supervisor: Marcela Morvová
Title (en):
The study on the processes of the heat production and storage using phase change materials
Title (sk):
Štúdium procesov produkcie a uskladnenia tepla s využitím materiálov s fázovou premenenou
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)

PhD. level: 2016 - 2020
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Gas cleaning by combination of plasma and catalyst
Title (sk):
Čistenie plynov kombináciou plazmy a katalyzátora
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)