Old website of our division.
Bartková, D.
Buchholcerová, H.
Cíbiková, M.
Cimerman, R.
Damek, M.
Dreninová, V.
Dvonč, L.
Gálik, J.
Giertl, D.
Halušková, P.
Hassan, M.
Hennecke, A.
Chládeková, L.
Ivanová, P.
Jakubčin, D.
Janíková, K.
Jankovič, R.
Jedlovský, I.
Kintler, M.
Kováč, M.
Kovaľová, Z.
Kučerová, K.
Kukura, S.
Kunecová, D.
Lavrikova, A.
Leštinská, L.
Leštinský, M.
Maslík, J.
Maťáš, E.
Menthéour , R.
Miháliková, D.
Mišenko, P.
Molnár, M.
Ndiffo Yemeli, G.
Niklová, A.
Okruhlicová, V.
Omasta, S.
Pakosová, L.
Pásztor, S.
Pavle, M.
Pelach, M.
Polakovič, A.
Poljak, M.
Pongrác, B.
Pračko, M.
Račková, D.
Roubíček, J.
Saedi , M.
Selvek, M.
Sersenová, D.
Seyfi, P.
Sič, J.
Strižencová, L.
Sučanská, A.
Štípala, P.
Tarabová, B.
Valovič, P.
Velísková, M.
Záňová, V.
Zigo, J.
Žilková, A.
Bc. level: 2010 - 2013
Supervisor: Marcela Morvová
Title (en):
Study of heat storage processes using phase change materials
Title (sk):
Štúdium procesov uskladnenia tepla s využitím materiálov s fázovou premenenou
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)
MSc. level: 2014 - 2015
Supervisor: Marcela Morvová
Title (en):
The study on the processes of the heat production and storage using phase change materials
Title (sk):
Štúdium procesov produkcie a uskladnenia tepla s využitím materiálov s fázovou premenenou
Abstract (en): hide
This paper focuses on processes of the heat production and storage when emphasising utilization of solar thermal energy and its subsequent accumulation by experimental latent thermal energy storage charged with phase change material. In this work, this latent thermal energy storage was constructed and put into operation. Throughout the whole year, daily thermal gains and mean daily thermal power outputs of solar thermal collectors were measured. Acquired experimental measurements provide a base for an assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of the solar collectors in real conditions and not only by an estimative calculation. Moreover, during the same period, the other experimental data on properties and parameters of various thermal energy storages also places in our experimental system, were gathered, evaluated and interpreted. Finally, experimental analysis and comparison of different storage material patterns was realized in order to find the most appropriate composition and properties of this storage material, especially the thermal conductivity and the heat storage capacity.
Abstract (sk)
PhD. level: 2016 - 2020
Supervisor: Karol Hensel
Title (en):
Gas cleaning by combination of plasma and catalyst
Title (sk):
Čistenie plynov kombináciou plazmy a katalyzátora
Abstract (en)
Abstract (sk)